自然现象natural phenomena
返回舱re-entry capsule
雨云rain clouds
宣布停课announced the suspension of classes
星象图chart of the night sky
Schoolchildren were yesterday sent home early when afternoon lessons were cancelled due to heavy rain.
Large area of the northwest New Territories were under water yesterday as torrential rain swept across the SAR.
流星shooting stars
流星雨meteor shower
为期五天的太空任务five-day space mission
The No.8 was replaced with a No.3 at 10.10pm as York began to disintegrate over the mainland. All signals were lowered at 12.45pm.
美国太空总署NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
风眼the eye of the storm
首次载人上太空launched its first manned flight
Hong Kong has issued three cold warnings this month.
Hong Kong was hit by more than 4,500 lightning strikes in two hours early yesterday .
海港能见度visibility in the harbour
神舟五号the spacecraft Shenzhou V
The Shenzhou VI touched down at 4.33am.
航空探测器space probe
国际太空站International Space Station
将人类送上火星send a human to Mars
探索太空的奥秘exploring the mysteries of the universe
挂起红色暴雨警告hoisted the red rainstorm warning
Education Department announces closure of morning and all-day schools.
最多能载四名航天员could accommodate up to four astronauts
最佳观星地点best viewing places
围绕地球飞行14圈orbited the earth 14 times
Countless meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the Earth's atmosphere at 71 kilometres a second.
登月之旅trips to the moon
发出山泥倾泻警告issued a landslide warning
发出雷暴警告hoisted a thunderstorm warning
发射宇宙飞船上太空launched a craft into space
发射卫星place a satellite in orbit
发现号宇宙飞船space shuttle Discovery
紫外线指数UV rays index
紫外线幅射ultra-violet radiation
进行多几次无人飞行诚验,才载人上太空conducted more unmanned flights before putting cosmonauts in space
黑色暴雨警报black storm warning
黑洞black holes
会测量该卫星上的空气的化学成分will take the chemical measure of the moon's air
狮子座流星Leonid meteors
解体broke apart
载航天员上太空putting an astronaut in orbit
摧毁海堤crushed seawalls
Despite the rainstorm, all Examination Authority exams scheduled for the afternoon were held as normal.
欧洲太空总署European Space Agency (ESA)
热浪heat wave
卫星城市satellite cities
卫星通信satellite communication
卫星图片satellite images
Windows were blown out of offices.
环绕太阳运行orbit around the sun
避风塘typhoon shelter
严寒疾风frigid blasts
骤冷cold snap
观赏万千流星雨划破长空watch thousands of meteors blaze across the sky
中庸之道Doctrine of the Mean
天人合一unity of heaven and man
因果定律the rules of cause and effect
吾未见好德如好色者I've never seen the man who loves virtue as well as sex.
长幼有序elders and juniors each in their places
「康健乐颐年」运动Healthy Aging Campaign
A total of 292,134 people received Comprehensive Social Security Assistance payments last month, up 0.2 per cent from April.
工作小组working committee
This year's celebrations have included the handing out of free rice.
公民责任civic responsibility
公共福利金social security allowance
公共福利金计划Social Security Allowance Scheme
公益金慈善活动a Community Chest charity function
天文数字的捐款an astronomical donation
巴拿巴爱心服务团Barnabas Charitable Service Association
支持服务support service
日间护理中心day-care centre
He urged the Government to speed up laws against unscrupulous operators to better protect elderly.
They would face financial problems within three years of the grants ending and may have to file for bankruptcy.
They wanted to fight government cuts to social welfare spending.
He said the family was relying on borrowed money and he could not afford new school books for his children.
失业救济金dole payment
幼儿中心child care centres
民间组织non-governmental organisations (NGO)
民间团体civic groups
交通意外及伤亡援助计划Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme
共筹得约三千三百万元About $33 million was raised.
The number of mainland residents eligible for individual travel to Hong Kong has doubled to 150 million.
吃垃圾箱里的剩饭菜eating leftovers from bins
在生活各方面面临适应问题facing adjustment problems in different aspects of their lives
在偏远乡村地区in remote rural areas
安老事务委员会Elderly Commission
安老服务/老人服务elderly services
安老服务统一评估机制Standardized Care Need Assessment for Elderly Services
安老院homes for the aged/residential care homes for the elderly
安老院条例Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance
老人old folks
老人中心elderly centre
老人津贴old-age allowance
老有所为活动计划Opportunities for the Elderly Project
自食其力stand on their own feet
何英杰、何伯Ho Ying-chie
庇护工场refuge homes
志愿团体volunteer organisations
We give out rice to practise alms giving for the poor living souls.
改善生活质素improve their quality of life
改善家居及社区照顾服务Enhanced Home and Community Care Services
Every year we give over 200 million pounds of clothing away to the Salvation Army.
私营安老院private care homes for the elderly
协助南亚青年融入社会help South Asian youths integrate better into the community
受资助的安老院舍宿位subsidized residential care places
周末消遣活动a weekend diversion
定期致电长者及探访长者,保持联络to keep regular contacts with elders by telephone contacts and home visits
明爱卖物会Caritas Bazaar
服务对象service users/target group
社区投资共享基金Community Investment and Inclusion Fund
社区配套服务community support services
社区组织协会Society for Community Organisation
社会上的弱势社群disadvantaged groups in the community
社会福利政策social-service policies
表演场地performance venues
长者、耆英senior citizens
长者支持服务队Support Teams for the Elderly
长者日间护理中心Day Care Centre for the Elderly
长者地区中心District Elderly Community Centre
长者安居服务协会Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
长者服务手册Guidebooks on Services for Elders
长者服务单位elderly service units
长者社区支持服务通讯Newsletter of Community Support Services for Elders
长者社区支持服务概览Guidebook of Community Support Services for Elders
长者度假中心Holiday Centre for the Elderly
长者活动中心independent social centers for the elderly/Social Centre for the Elderly
长者咭计划Senior Citizen Card Scheme
长者家居照顾服务home care services for the elderly
长者邻舍中心Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
长期护理宿位long-term care places
非牟利机构nonprofit organisation
保良局Po Leung Kuk
保护弱势社群protecting the underprivileged
政府奖券基金Lotteries Fund
Unprecedented numbers of elderly people queued in the early hours yesterday for traditional rice handouts.
派米giving out free rice
派米活动rice giveaways
The giveaway organisers prepared about 6,000 bags of rice, each weighing 5kg, and distributed tickets at 9am for collection in the afternoon.
为有需要人士提供基本生活保障provide basic protection for those in need
为极需照顾的长者提供社区网络和外展服务provide social networking service and outreaching services to vulnerable elderly
突击检查安老院conduct surprise checks at homes for the elderly
重返社会get back into the society
重新评估处理家庭暴力投诉的政策reassess their policies for handling domestic violence complaints
The community takes pride in its spirit of self-reliance.
Hong Kong is not a welfare state.
香港公益金Community Chest of HK
香港盲人辅导会Society for the Blind, HK
香港社会工作人员协会Hong Kong Social Workers Association
香港社会工作者总工会Hong Kong Social Workers General Union
香港社会服务联会Hong Kong Council of Social Service
香港耆康老人福利会Society for the Aged, HK
香港耆康老人福利会/耆康会The Hong Kong Society for the Aged
香港基督教服务联会Christian Service, HK
香港聋人协进会Hong Kong Association of the Deaf
香港聋人福利促进会The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
家务助理服务Home Help Service
家务助理队home help teams
弱势社群the disadvantaged in the community
弱势社群人士the disadvantaged
捐五百万元给慈善机构donate $5 million to charity
捐助本地大学,回馈社会donating to local universities as a means of repaying the community
捐钱给慈善机构making donations to charities
捐赠给慈善机构donating them to a charity
海外华人overseas Chinese
特别照顾补助金Higher Care Supplements
起居照顾及家务助理员协会主席郑清发Chairman of the Personal Care Workers and Home Helpers Association
做义工do voluntary work
参与社会服务工作,服务长者joined a community service to serve the elderly
参与义务工作/做义工taking part in volunteer work
国际组织international organisation
强化社区网络strengthen community networks
强制性公积金计划Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes